Dnešný deň je spojený so srdiečkami. Aj u nás doma máme srdiečka, a vôbec neboli kúpené pri príležitosti sv. Valentína. Kúpila som ich v obľúbenom obchode Depot, za 1 euro. Dozdobila som ich sušenými kvetinami limonky a levandule, ktoré sme mali doma. Srdiečka stále premiestňujem, podľa počtu dekorácií v byte a podľa sezónnosti. Na jeseň, keď už budem mať nové sušené kvetiny, tak srdiečka opäť oblečiem do nového šatu. Ale o tom na budúce.
Today is linked with hearts. We have hearts at home, too and they were not bought on the occassion of St. Valentine. I bought them in my favourite shop Depot, for 1 eur only. I decorated them with dried flowers I had at home. In autumn, when new flowers will be available, I will give the hearts a new look. The hearts do not have stable place in our home; I move them around according to number of house decor and season.
Today is linked with hearts. We have hearts at home, too and they were not bought on the occassion of St. Valentine. I bought them in my favourite shop Depot, for 1 eur only. I decorated them with dried flowers I had at home. In autumn, when new flowers will be available, I will give the hearts a new look. The hearts do not have stable place in our home; I move them around according to number of house decor and season.
slamené srdiečka z Depot-u |
dĺžka šnúrky je rozdielna, tak to vytvára pekný dojem |
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