Keďže si z každej letnej dovolenky prinesiem za priehrštie mušlí, už som mala doma slušnú zbierku a priestor na ich vystavenie sa zmenšoval. Preto nastal čas vymyslieť nový spôsob uchovania spomienok z dovolenky. Toto je výsledok. Už len zavesiť na stenu.
A keď dokúpim ďalšie dva rámčeky, pribudnú ešte nové obrazy do kolekcie.
As I bring sea shells from every summer holiday, their number was growing and space for their display was diminishing. I had to think of an original way of preserving memories from holidays. And this is the result. Only to be hanged on the wall.
A keď dokúpim ďalšie dva rámčeky, pribudnú ešte nové obrazy do kolekcie.
As I bring sea shells from every summer holiday, their number was growing and space for their display was diminishing. I had to think of an original way of preserving memories from holidays. And this is the result. Only to be hanged on the wall.
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