Celý december preletel neuveriteľne rýchlo a niesol sa prípravami na Vianoce. Jedným z mojich zámerov bolo podobne ako minulé Vianoce vyrobiť stromček z vetvičiek. Postupovala som podľa tohto návodu.
December flew by incredibly quickly and it focal activities were connected with preparations for Xmas. Similarly as last year I planned to make a christmas tree from branches. I followed these instructions.
December flew by incredibly quickly and it focal activities were connected with preparations for Xmas. Similarly as last year I planned to make a christmas tree from branches. I followed these instructions.
Tak ten se opravdu povedl!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťďakujem za milé slová :-)
OdstrániťVery interesting post!
Thanks for stopping by.