Dnes som uvarila fialkový čaj. Dostala som ho od sestry ako spomienku na jednu z jej ciest. Doniesla mi aj ibištekový, ten je môj obľúbený. Ale fialkový mal u nás premiéru.
Prekvapil ma tmavým zafarbením. Ale intenzita určite záleží od množstva sušenej zmesi, no a ja som nešetrila.
I prepared violet tea today. It was a present from my sister from her trip. She also brought me my favourite hisbiscus tea. The violet tea was prepared for the first time. I was surprised by dark colour. The intensity definitely depends on the quantity and I used a lot of dried mixture.
When speaking about tea, I guess we all know the tea etiquette. Small reminder will not do any harm though. I found an interesting pictogram on pinterest.com.
I prepared violet tea today. It was a present from my sister from her trip. She also brought me my favourite hisbiscus tea. The violet tea was prepared for the first time. I was surprised by dark colour. The intensity definitely depends on the quantity and I used a lot of dried mixture.
When speaking about tea, I guess we all know the tea etiquette. Small reminder will not do any harm though. I found an interesting pictogram on pinterest.com.
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večerná pohoda pri šálke čaju |
Práve dnes som si čítala cestovateľského sprievodcu o krajinách, kam sa čoskoro chystáme a už sa teším na čaje, ktoré si prinesieme domov. Najviac ma zaujal čierny vanilkový čaj.
Keď hovoríme o čaji, predpokladám, že všetci poznáme etiketu pitia čaju. Avšak pripomenutie nezaškodí. Pinterest.com ponúkol veľmi pekný piktogram, ktorý by som rada zdieľala.
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